Thank You Mr. President!

I am dedicating my 1,000th post to our Forty-Fourth President, Barack Obama.


You will be remembered with great love, appreciation and affection. You and Michelle have served our great nation with determination, strength, honesty, intelligence, and with caring and loving hearts. Lately, I, as millions of Americans, have poured over video footage and photos of you and your family. We have witnessed with our eyes and hearts your goodness, your sense of humor and your integrity. You have been the greatest leader I have known, and We The People thank you most sincerely.

You will be remembered and your legacy will live on. In time the history books will concur with what I have said. To watch the way babies and kids and  everyday citizens respond to your enchanting smile is lovely. Children can always sense when someone is good.

I wouldn’t have missed these last eight years for all the gold in the world. You are a national treasure and will be sorely missed. It is with great hope we will see much of you in future. You deserve to reconnect with your family and friends. And so it goes. Good-bye for now and I shall say once more with pride, thank you Mr. President.

Copyright © 2017 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

A Wayward Dream


A Wayward Dream


Tonight I revisited the songs

We used to dance to

I thought about

The way our bodies

Touched and swayed

To the music

And for a few moments

We were suspended

In time


A time when we

Were in tune

With one another

About seven years

Packed with laughter

tears tender memories

Some were bad

But mostly good

Deep and true


A wayward dream

of eternal love

trapped between the past

And between the now

A love paralleled

Alive with contradiction

For my heart to

Achingly dream

A wayward dream

Written by: Theresa H Hall

December 29, 2016 @ 5:00 AM

Copyright © 2016 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Demanding My Own Happiness

Cat by artist Breton 2012. Etched in wood oil paintingYou’d think it’s a private matter, not something one debates or discusses. Understanding the fundamentals of achieving happiness or joy is paramount unless you enjoy spinning your wheels. No one else can ever be responsible for our joy. I am speaking of the inner glow. This is where we come in. We must take responsibility for our feelings, whereby we practice and train ourselves to think the right thoughts. Most things around us or surrounding us are little exercises in life we must sift through, in order to figure out what it is that we do want. It changes moment by moment, thought by thought.

It was explained to me that we cannot be against anything. I wondered how this could be the truth. The Universe is based on quantum physics. It includes the much preached about Laws Of Attraction. It is relevant. What we send out, like a boomerang, we draw back to ourselves. Especially those self-righteous beams of thoughts. Not be against violence? Exactly. For when you are against a thing it provides instantaneous momentum. We need rather to be for self-improvement, the clean environment, people’s rights, spreading goodness, etc. What we focus on makes it more powerful.

Taking my own advice, I have decided to focus on the kind of world I want, which equates to my curtailing my reading and listening to the horror show that has been unfolding right before our very eyes. Like a snowball rolling downhill, it is compounding and we can no longer afford to continue allowing the negatives to grow bigger. It is a distraction and we need to collectively stop giving these persons, our energy and attention. We need to do the exact opposite. Promote all good things. Only the good stuff. No matter how so and so, has been spewing on and on, or what the news channels are hi-lighting, because it has brought our nation to its knees. It is time to wake up and smell the roses. In the meantime, pick some flowers, send out good vibrations and let’s focus our attention on them in order to see how quickly things  improve.

The first matter is to understand that only we can make ourselves happy. No one else has the power to do this, so we may now all stop depending upon others because they only turn into the excuse when we are miserable. We can take the pressure off of them. We need to accept our energy and our connection to The Source, in order to move things along. I like that I am in control. I won’t give away my power ever again. I Am demanding my own happiness from myself. Being the responsible party … it’s so much easier.

I’m Just The Caretaker

"African Violets 4-12-16"

“African Violets 4-12-16”


I feel my parental chest swell whenever I notice new blooms

Taking pride in proving to the world … I have not killed this plant

Although I know I only play a small part in this arrangement

The joy I experience knowing that my flora skills are developing

Exceeds the simple truth that

I’m just the caretaker

I water … I prune … I set the pots in sunlight

I speak to … dance with … and sing to them

I’m just the caretaker

But I feel like the mother

Copyright © 2015 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

I’m Having Babies

Buds on my African VioletWell … my African Violet is getting ready to have babies, lots of purple ones. This is the first time I have ever been successful with nursing along my plant, and its bearing the fruits of my love. I am thrilled! I know Mama, my Grandmother, is looking down from above and smiling. She had such a green thumb. Her violets would bloom year round. So pleased!

And speaking of green, Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.

Copyright © 2016 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Artistic Inclination

Painting by Pablo Picasso

Painting by Pablo Picasso

Artistic Inclination


Woke up today with my mind

Brimming over with ideas

Watched a Picasso video

Thanks to Julian

A colleague


A friend really

He shares with us

Historical stories and facts

To keep us coming back

For more


So back to my story

About how I have

Stayed in the background

Until now for such a

Long time


It’s just my artist’s inclination

Lying quietly while my brain

Produces dreams and such

Feeling terrific vibratory joy

A rush


It’s my artistic inclination

Painting in my head

Poetic license

Scripting words for the living

The dead


My artistic inclination

Singing favorite tunes

Visiting musical days past

And yearning for what is

To come


Theresa H Hall

February 9, 2016 @3:33 PM

Copyright © 2016 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Lift Off

Wow … this sure looks exciting! One of the first things I shall do after I win Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes, is to learn how to sky dive. This suit is closest to those bat suits they use when gliding off the sides of mountains. I feel this would be a great and much safer way to achieve freedom when flying. I can imagine the dizzying trills fizzing around inside my brain and getting to see the world from as birds do. Most likely I would want a small oxygen tank with a tube for my nose, so I wouldn’t pass out. Doesn’t this look wonderful? Would you ever do this?

I have dreams, but only occasionally, where I am actually flying. No apparatus. No strings attached. Just I floating, stopping mid-flight and taking a look around, then rolling over and lounging on thin air. That is why they are called dreams. Sky diving seems the next best thing.

The PCH rules state that only 1 in 1.7 billion entrants is chosen to be a win. Sounds like it could happen to me as well as anyone else.

Independence From Others’ Opinions


As we center and surround ourselves with the inner-peace we are working toward, we can concentrate on the oneness of us all. We become secure in how we feel about ourselves. Negative words or thoughts from others carry no weight. As we tune into speaking our gratitude for things we have and those things we want, we are then able to enjoy life anew. We can draw power from those things which we have not noticed or paid attention to for a while.

Everywhere we look there is infinite intelligence and perfection. There is abundance all around and through us. We carry the Spirit of Our Creator, Our Universe within us. We create with our thoughts and words … good or bad. We must consider improving situations, relationships, our communities and in taking interest in our world. By listening to others … hearing with loving hearts … and speaking only good words today.

“We are not our bodies, our possessions or our careers. Who we are is Divine Love and that is INFINITE”.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Copyright © 2015 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Photo: Earth at Night by NASA

Old Blue Eyes On My Mind

"Frank Sinatra ... Old Blue Eyes"

“Frank Sinatra … Old Blue Eyes”

Does what I wrote in the past still count? Or once written and read through, could it lose some of its impact? These are my thoughts as I wake up over my coffee. “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”, is playing repeatedly in my head, even now. I dreamt about Frank Sinatra, and each time I changed positions in bed, he was singing another one of his hits. Old Blue Eyes himself.

Last night I watched the recording I’d made of HBO’s two-part documentary about Frank Sinatra, “All Or Nothing At All”. I stayed up until 5:30 a.m. as I couldn’t resist watching the entire production. It was four hours well spent. The footage and video coverage brought home the enormity of the vision he’d dreamed about from the time he was a teenager. One that would touch us all. His strong work ethic, dogged determination and hard work, sometimes to the point of exhaustion, was the price he gladly paid in order to reach the stars, becoming a living legend of the twentieth century. When my attention has been captured, I morph into a human sponge to absorb all the details.

Beginning with his difficult entry into this world, baby Frank (weighing over twelve pounds!), nearly didn’t make it. He suffered a broken ear drum and the doctor who was called in to help, most likely used high forceps to pull him from his mother’s womb. He was left with a few scars but his grandmother was a hero for splashing him with cold water, then patting and massaging him to encourage him to survive. We’re so glad she did!

For the music lovers out in the world, Frank Sinatra’s hand in his song arrangements, the motion picture industry, and his inclusiveness of all people, regardless of their ethnic background, when it wasn’t the popular thing to do, is a story you won’t want to pass up. I know I’ll watch it again for the history I wasn’t taught in school, but mostly to review and watch his story unfold. It is personal and thrilling as well. I don’t want give away more than his precious beginnings in life. See for yourself this man who impressed and influenced the world, long before Elvis, or The Beatles did. His impact was huge and is long-lasting. You’ll be amazed at how he gets under your skin.

Copyright © 2015 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

A Casual Affair

The Enth Degree.jpeg


A Casual Affair


When we first met I didn’t understand

The skip of my heartbeat

When you took my hand

Ain’t it grand

Two people meeting

Again and again

Lovers in bliss … a gift

Isn’t this what I’d wished

It was remiss of me to expect

Anything more


Through the rains of spring

Into the heat of summer

We’d meet and exchange plans

For a future you knew

Would never be

Unexpectedly I realized

 I had fallen in love

And when you saw it In my eyes

You pretended not to see

You turned and walked away


A casual affair is only good

Until it gets serious

I cry into my pillow from loneliness

For a lover who doesn’t want ties

There’s no compromise

You’ve said your good-byes

I cannot ask you to love me again

You said we’ll remain friends

You’re over me

But I am left holding on


I wonder if you ever think of me

From time to time

I can’t get you off my mind

Replaying each moment we lay entwined

Between sheets and thorns

Where my heart was laid bare

You really don’t care

You said we’re still friends

It was remiss of me to expect

Anything more


You told me you’d see me around

I can’t ask you to love me again

We’re no longer lovers

Just friends


Written by: Theresa H Hall

March 31, 2015 @ 4:29 PM

Copyright © 2015 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Where Did Monday Go?


I just looked up and saw it was after midnight and I’d gone from yesterday to now. Where did Monday go? I usually take off on Mondays … allow myself to cool out and concentrate on relaxing my mind, my body, my spirit. I like to let my mind go blank and absorb what is going on in the vibrations of teeming life surrounding me, my home; the new life buzzing by my windows. I really meant to do this and lounge around without concern for wifely duties. Even the cats slept most of the day away. I had good intentions, but it fell by the sidelines when I sat down to enter Facebook land.

It’s nice to see my friends and what they get up to, hear about performances of musically passionate peers and catch some social news. I must admit to becoming engrossed and roped in. I visited but then felt compelled to write, make comments and voice my point of view about animals, videos, horrible and tragic news, some kindnesses of caring people, and that an elderly woman in a nursing home can keep her elderly cat with her. I was so upset the other day when I read about this happening, that she and her beloved cat would be separated. Apparently enough of us disagreed and it made a difference.

I didn’t get my day off. I got involved and I was emotionally wrung out … like a dish rag. For those of you who never used one, it’s the old-fashioned way to scrub your dishes. An old saying. I bet the people behind the scenes at Facebook land, have determined, sifted, what posts will show up on my feeds. I have been targeted with so much controversy lately, that I am forced to write something helpful, encouraging or speak out over social injustices.

Time to figure out how to get back to a more simplistic feed, shut out the things that disturb me. There’s too much sadness going on and it is dragging me down. Just wanted to say that I finally got it. I’ll have to visit Facebook land sparingly, unless my feeds improve to a gentler atmosphere. Otherwise I’ll go screaming into the night. That’s another old-fashioned saying. IGSITN is the new way to write it, so it sounds/looks current. I’m hip to a lot of the newfangled abbreviations. Wishing you a better world than the one happening right now. I’m returning to the place I refer to as Teesa’s World. Time to sit in my hanging chair.

Copyright © 2015 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Why I Haven’t Written Lately

Sometimes my brain goes “Tilt!” For the past year I have been running on overload, figuring out things, and organizing them.These matters have taken up most of my time. I have a Venus in the Sign of Cancer, which equates to me hiding myself inside myself, to my approaching everything cautiously, moving from side-to-side all the while creeping forward in direction and doing so at a slow pace. Much unlike my Sun Sign, Leo, that fearless leader who sometimes hides in the corner clutching his tail, or in my case … her tail. Throw in the sting of my Ascendent Sign, Scorpio applying that fiercely, cunning eagle-eyed stare to urge me to focus on everyone and everything with a microscopic glare. And finally, fighting with my inner nature or Moon Sign under Libra, weighing out the pros and cons of every minute detail. It’s exhausting!

I have met some wonderful new friends along the way. Treasures they are and we wouldn’t be where we are today without their Divine Intervention. I think they might be Angels because there is a light of warmth and love that glows from them. We’re so lucky to have them!

Just have one more seemingly grand matter to work out before the sigh of relief can be exhaled. Well … two, as I am to have surgery in mid December. The numerous tests my doctors had me undergo made me feel nervous, but alas, my fears could be put to rest on the majority of my concerns as to whether this or that was wrong. Hopefully, I will be able to regain my eyesight 100% in my left-eye and my dizzy spells will cease altogether. I’ve been noticing that part of growing up is having a body that changes over time and little adjustments need to be made. I was very worried about my blood sugar as 1.5 years ago I was told it was dangerously borderline. So instead of watching the amount of sugar I was inhaling, I hid my head in the sand and kept doing the same things. About four months ago, I knew I would have to get the dreaded blood work drawn; I am happy to report my sugar levels were good as was my bad cholesterol good, but my good cholesterol is over 50 points too high. I can and am doing what I need to do quickly in order to reduce these levels. My blood pressure has been fluctuating and I am told stress is what I need to reduce … immediately.

So … there you have it. I need to drink water (I do this already) cool out on the sweets, baked goods and rich proteins and exercise. Reduce stress levels by 90% and get my eye surgery in about five more weeks. Then I will be able to return to work with eyes wide open, and not experience the vertigo and dizzy spells. Please send up good thoughts and prayers so I can cease worrying and allow the Blessings of the Universe to flow into my life. Thank you ever so much!

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Happy Fourth Birthday Harper Jane!

Four years ago yesterday, September 13, 2010, Harper Jane Titherington came into our lives. She is beautiful, smart, funny and growing into a fearless adventuress. We are going to share a family get together and have cupcakes and ice cream. We love her so much and look forward to spending time together now she is getting to be a big girl. She started Pre K4 about a week ago and is always excited to learn new things and she plays well with the other children. What a thrilling time in the life of a youngster. Everything is new and fascinating.

Joe and I have finally moved into our new place and still have unpacking and figuring out the placement of things. We have spent much quality time together and while it was hot, exhausting, tiring and we got scrapes and bruises, we shared many intimate moments. Friendship is always better when shared and when you love each other, it’s even better!

I am back amongst the writers and shall endeavor to amuse and entertain you once again. HooRay!

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

What I’ve Been Doing Lately



I was asked on BlogCatalog … “Do You Blog For Money?”

My first response was this:

“I write because I am passionate about it. I blog because I must communicate and sometimes it pays off.”

Then I was asked:

“Yes, being passionate about blogging is the key feature in sustaining the ever-growing community “but” what do you see in it? Money or passion or passion and money …”

To which I replied:

“I see a way to sit comfortably in my chair and by touching the keys of my iMac, I may join in conversations with people from around the globe. People whom I would never have connected with. I see a way to have my voice be heard without ever leaving my home. My mind is engaged and something inside myself … much bigger than I AM … transforms and is awakened. By blogging and interacting in cyber space, as I like to call it, I am a part of an electrifying energy of The Universe. Do you not feel it also? We might sit alone but we are never alone. It’s a big beautiful world with lots of different souls. Collectively speaking … we have it in us to encourage others and to improve the world by becoming aware and conscious of what is in the minds of others. We can reach out and hug someone or congratulate them. We give relevance and appreciation, which to me, is a fantastic way to share my life. I love the world.” 

** Please stop over to read my latest interview with talented author, Kathleen Maher.

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

What Scary/Funny Dreams May Come

Sensitive people out there, you know what I mean when I explain the movies, television shows we watch, everyday life and what we read on the Internet, sometimes play havoc on our nighttime slumbers. Just yesterday, Joe changed the movie channel and “Deep Impact” (click to watch this scene) was being shown. We tuned in at the part where father and daughter are hugging one another on the beach just as the meteor hits the Atlantic Ocean. The humongous wave envelopes them and the rest of the shore lines over half of the planet. I incorporated this scene into my dreams last night. I convinced myself I needed to shut down my body (no breathing), until the wave subsided. You see … I had secured myself in-between some pylons that were embedded with tons of concrete, deep into the Earths’ surface. This baby wasn’t going anywhere! I promised myself that I could go into suspended animation (a trance-like state), while the world was being turned topsy-turvy. I would survive sans air for hours. And I did! I lived to tell the other characters in my dream the way I survived. Apparently in dreams one can do this. I conquered my fears by resisting possible world destruction.

Next, I dreamed about the character in the BBC television series, “Orphan Black”. Not about the women but her friend with the dyed jet-black hair who is flamboyant, handsome in a strange way and the her side-kick. What a team they make. In my dream, he was running away from a copper. He was being chased in circles. Just as the policeman rounded one corner, Felix would dash round the next bend (almost out of sight), allowing the police a glimpse of the direction he had taken. Round and round they went while we onlookers watched the comedy unfold. Soon our amusement could be heard, much to the chagrin of the officer in pursuit. Down an alley Felix dodged out of sight by hiding behind one of those old-fashioned silver trash cans complete with a lid. He covered himself with a piece of burlap that conveniently lay atop the can just before the policeman ran past him … running onward, all the while jerking his head back and forth fervently searching for the bad boy he chased. We all had a good laugh. Felix stood from his crouching position and took a bow. We applauded him and then the dream was over.

The next dream was about a man wearing an oxygen mask and inhaling the air. He had been caring for dozens of cats he had found languishing in an old home. And it goes on and on these dreams, until I shake myself awake. I toss and turn and sometimes think Thank God that’s over. I never know what dreams will come once I close my eyes. How many of you have frightening or comical dreams that are influenced by what you are watching or reading?

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

January The Difficult Month

DSCN3831January is one of the strangest, and sorrowful months of the year. Between Christmas and a bittersweet New Years Day is an imperceptible chain, intent on imprisoning my soul, to drag me down into the pit of hidden memories. Thoughts I tend to push to the recesses of my mind, but they always clamor to be revisited during this solemn time.  I hide behind the snow-filled days busying myself in my kitchen, and with long bouts of slumber. I lie nestled beneath the warmth of down-filled comforters and soft plush throws. I even watch to see the delayed openings of the government and the closings of county schools. My sister and I loved hearing school would be closed due to inclement weather. We would bask in the glow of sleeping in and having our friends over to listen to records, have long chats about current events, and we would play board games or cards for hours on end.

This time of year is a transitional time for me because so many of the people I shared these holidays with are no longer living. I am made to reflect on how I expected my future (the world was my oyster) would be in a world headed for better and exciting times. And for me they were until the late eighties, when the war on drugs began, the cities were really unsafe and things seemed to go downhill from there. Is it wrong for me to yearn for those innocent times when life was simpler and happier? I suppose a few more days of lethargy are here and then like a magic trick, the weight of this is whisked off and I am reborn for the coming year. It might have something to do with the end of the Chinese Year around the end of the month and sometimes into February. The Year Of the Wooden Horse begins January 31, 2014. So … one more week and I’ll be back to my funny self.

DSCN3833 DSCN3836 DSCN3846 DSCN3841DSCN3844 DSCN3840Here are some golden raisin cream scones I made. They had a hint of orange because of the zest I incorporated. The bottom of each scone is a golden brown.

DSCN3875 DSCN3861 DSCN3872 DSCN3864 DSCN3848 DSCN3855 toasted almonds cream cheese frosting lemon curdAnd then a vanilla, almond white cake, with a layer of lemon curd, cream cheese frosting and toasted almonds. It was a bit warm in the center when I cut and assembled it. It was awesome, but it tasted even better chilled. Homemade cake is very filling.

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Teesa’s Kitchen

"Apples & Pears"

“Apples & Pears”

The thing that separates my cooking and baking from others, is the absolute care I take when combining ingredients. I immerse myself in technique and process, I pay close attention to the details and I always toss in some love.  I dwell on the ingredients and imagine them all becoming more than they were born to be. In a world such as ours, we have such beautiful and creatively packaged natural foods. Man alone would never conceive the abundance and variety. I give thanks to God, My Creator, Mother Earth and The Universe for blessing me and my kitchen so richly.

I will say that the pecan cinnamon streusel cake was baked in a loaf pan, as I did not have any 8″ X 8″ pans at hand. It called for 20-25 minutes, but ended up being baked a full 40 minutes in the oven. This resulted in a mysterious and smoky cinnamon, sugared pecans (the streusel). The crunch was unbeatable! The cake was moist, flavorful and the texture sublime. From now on I will always prepare it in the loaf pan just so I can experience its crunch at full throttle.

The lemon curd is an all-time favorite. I make it twice per year because it is very rich. As you can tell by the photographs I have the necessary ingredients for some dacquoise, frangipani and apple and pear tarts. I’m into my last ten days of baking until next winter solstice. Since my camera seems to be feeling better, I shall snap more pics of the newest recipes. Oh, how I long for a brand new, pristine and  professional pastry kitchen. I would teach people to do what I do.

Copyright © 2014 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

"See the texture"

“See the texture”

"Nuts - Dried Fruits - Filling - Extract"

“Nuts – Dried Fruits – Filling – Extract”

"Lemon Curd"

“Lemon Curd”

"Pecan Cinnamon Streusel Cake ~ The crunch was remarkable!"

“Pecan Cinnamon Streusel Cake ~ The crunch was remarkable!”

How Do You Self-Soothe?

"Photograph by Kevin Friery"

“Photograph by Kevin Friery”

Seldom do we ever get to turn off our internal voice. I have found a way to quiet mine using a fun distraction. I play solitary games. It calms my thinking when I concentrate and it lowers the blood pressure, too. By taking time to chill out, I find the respite I need in order to self-soothe. My inner voice takes a  seat on the sidelines. Doing this once a day enables me to clear my mind so I may have sparkling clarity toward any task I need to do.

A micro vacation for the brain is quite effective when done intentionally and properly. Lending our attention to solving a puzzle is truly a non-pharmaceutical medicine for our  psychological well-being. I use Mahjong and Sudoku as my choice of therapies.

How do you self-soothe your inner voice?

Copyright © 2013 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.