Coincidence? I Think Not

??????????????????Have you ever gone on a journey without leaving your home? Well it’s where I’ve been for the past week. I went from one orientation and then was plunged straight into another. Three major learning curves. “Thought Become Things”, DVD that I have been watching pretty regularly now and dwelling on the lessons shared. Then Sunday in the wee hours of the morning, I turned on Netflix to discover a movie called “The Secret”, and yes, it is in accord with the book written by Rhonda Byrne, (that I never had any desire to read). Featured are top-notch people and one of them just happened to be Mike Dooley, author of the DVD I have been watching; Doctors, Authors, Physicists, Scientists and more cool people discuss the principles and the endless possibilities of applying the techniques of “The Secret”. I watched then fell asleep, turned it on first thing, woke up Joe, cooked him breakfast and shared coffee, whilst he watched it, too. I saw it again on Monday and then again on Tuesday. Last night there was a program on called “The Quantum Activist”, with Amit Goswami, on a PBS station. I took copious notes on all of these recordings.

Between applying and thinking about the relative realities corresponding in nature, along with what I’ve learned throughout my life, it all fits and makes complete sense. I wasn’t just being led by The Universe, I was being shoved right along! I mean … how could I resist? Wow! My mind is alert, feeling alive and connected like never before. It’s fitting in with the passages I have been reading and the evolution in my thinking. I was on the right path before but now … I’m riding in the fast lane. I’m thankful and very excited! Do – Be – Do – Be – Do! And so I shall.

(Photo via CableCast.TV)

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