Out With The Old … In With The New


I can see it, hear it, feel and smell it as well. Spring is in the air. Here in Washington, D.C., our cherry trees are stretching their branches, lifting their buds up to the sky. The warmth of the sun’s rays stirs all those glorious, pent-up emotions inside the tree. I expect the life-energy to be teeming with a flurry of action and buzzing with accelerated vibrations. Each limb has its job to perform so the tiny blossoms will burst open against the blue skies … and when they do, it’s almost as if it happens overnight. The waterways and parks become magical.

Along the Tidal Basin, cherry trees line the curved waterways, gracing the entire area and pathways. The blooms are almost ready to puff open thus releasing their fragrant perfume. It is a wondrous sight once the stage is set for throngs of people to visit our Nation’s Capital. Truly, it is one of the most popular times to come to Washington, D.C. Some of the trees on either side of the paths are so mature they touch each other, creating a romantic archway or tunnel of blossoms overhead.

Springtime also inspires us to deep clean our homes. What a good feeling it is to throw open the windows, clean between the nooks-and-crannies, sort through clothes and delegate whatever is no longer necessary or desired, into bags destined for donation or the annual yard sale. “Out with the old … In with the new”, was what Mother used to say. So freshen your homes and expect good things to come. Spring is just a week away. High time to welcome a fresh start … a new beginning.

Here is a link for 2016 Cherry Blossoms Update. And another: D.C. Cherry Blossom Guide.

Copyright © 2016 “Sleeping Kitten – Dancing Dog!” All rights reserved.

Out Like A Lamb

5b85ec990fd3402391aa56759ff4739dMarch is one of those months where most of us are ready to hear the lilting songs of the birds and to see the budding of the trees. Washington, D.C. offers lots of events and hosts the Cherry Blossom Festival in support of the new season, in honor of the cherry trees lining the tidal basin. The monuments are highlighted by their delicate blooms. This weekend most of our area was drenched with rain accompanied by sleet and snow. Joe exclaimed yesterday afternoon, “Can you believe it … it’s snowing … again!” I gently reminded him it was just a light dusting and he could retire the snow shovel for the next seven months. Personally, I love it when it snows and feel delight when the weatherman announces the impending arrival of the white stuff.

I look forward to spring, but with every new year, I feel a stronger pull toward the cooler months rather than the hot summertime, that is just around the bend. Springtime reminds me of girlish whispers, fervent looks, of first dates and young love. I can easily recollect those days of looking out schoolroom windows and wishing the ticks of the clock would go faster. I’d long for the ringing of the dismissal bell as it signaled the freedom of my escape to the outdoors to hang out with my friends. I would walk home with a group of my friends. We’d talk about the days events, about any activities to do in the upcoming days, but mostly we talked about boys. Ah … the good old days when we were blissfully unaware of the world as it is now.

The theory of ‘In like a lion … out like a lamb”, or ‘In like a lamb … out like a lion”, seems true. So far this year we experienced a colder than normal winter with lots of beautiful snow. March usually has a large display of tulips and jonquils, but it’s the last day of the month … and I can only see the beginnings of the flowers as they shyly break through the rich soil. Happy spring everyone.

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