Friday Night Painting Thoughtfulness

Time to take out my paints that have waited by patiently now for a few months. Pizza sounds like a good idea because I am craving a slice right now.

I like talking to the man who answers the phone at my new favorite pizza place, since we recently relocated. He and I have a thing. I tell him what I like, how I like it and then I ask about his day and if the business is doing well and about his family. Some might consider me as being a little bit of a flirt but I deny this and label it caring. It’s the tiny and small gestures of friendship extended that matter most, to those who make sure to get our orders correct, and pay special attention to details for patrons who are thoughtful, polite and thank them being there.

I can easily tell that he is from another country, but I have not figured out either by his name or his accent which exact area he is from originally. I simply pass along goodness and he seems very happy to hear from me, too. I doubt many people take any time to discuss the weather or any niceties at all. They most likely bark their delivery orders and hang up the phone. I treat him the way I would want to be treated and this is with respect, that I add value to the community and feel proud of where I work … even if it is just a pizza shop. I’m ordering pizza for everyone!